New Post Officers

- 6/15/2022

VFW 9760 Elections were held at the April meeting with installation occurring at the May meeting.  New officers assumed their posts at the July meeting.


Officers for the 2022-2023 term are: Commander Mike Blumenthal, Senior Vice Commander Josh David, Junior Vice Commander Ed Jeep, Quartermaster Mike Diaz, Chaplain Steve McCalley, 1st Year Trustee Richard Grubb, 2 Year Trustee Tom Vorisek and 3 year Trustee Jeffrey Carter.  The following appointments were made by the Commander:  Adjutant and Service Officer Chris Birch, Judge Advocate Mike Diaz and Surgeon Gerald Lunt.


House Committee Members are: Rodney Loyd (Chairman), Fox Longerbeam, Gary Braswell, Larry Cox and Warren Arthur.