- 11/21/2022

Veterans Day Celebrations for the Post
It was a busy week for our Post, Members, and Auxiliary attending and supporting Veterans Day Celebrations.
Wednesday, November 9th. Ms Erica Owens, Director of the Berryville Senior Center, invited Post members to join the Seniors for a luncheon honoring Veterans. Post Commander Mike Blumenthal was joined by the Clarke County Honor Guard with Chris Birch, Fox Longerbeam, and Henry Ryan. After the Honor Guard posted the Colors, Commander Mike gave a history of Veterans Day and shared our Community Service Books with them to let them know how we support our community. Mike introduced American Legion Post 41 Commander Tom Vorisek who provided information on the Legion. After a delicious lunch with the Seniors, the Honor Guard retired the Colors and ended the ceremony.
Thursday, November 10th. Ms Barbara Corey, President of the Apple Valley Needle Threaders presented the Post with beautiful quilts made for Veterans. Many were U.S. Flag designs. They will be delivered to local organizations supporting our troops. Thank you Barbara and your wonderful group for your time and love of quilting.
Thursday, November 10th. Immediately following the quilt presentation, Ms Corey invited Auxiliary Treasurer Kathy Birch and Post Commander Mike Blumenthal to talk about the VFW and what both of our groups do. American Legion Post Commander Tom Vorisek was on hand and explained the differences between the Legion and the VFW for membership requirements. A surprise ending to the festivities was a special presentation to Canteen Manager, Mike Linster. Mike has helped the Needle Threaders get set up for their quilting bees at our Post for many years and they wanted to show their appreciation. Mike was presented with a beautiful hand-made quilt. Family, friends, and Post/Auxiliary members were there and applauded the presentation. Great job, Mike!
Friday, November 11th.
The 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month
Clarke County and the town of Berryville held their annual Veterans Day Ceremony. Post Commander Mike Blumenthal and American Legion Commander Tom Vorisek placed the Ceremonial Wreath at the podium and both Commanders spoke of the history of Veterans Day and its importance to us all. After the Berryville ceremony, Veterans and families were invited back to our Post for an Open House and light lunch and refreshments. Mayor and Mrs. Jay Arnold joined us for a most-enjoyable lunch prepared perfectly as always by our Auxiliary Chefs. Thank you, Ladies, for making it a wonderful day and honoring our Veterans.
I want to thank all Veterans and their families for the sacrifices they have made for our County. I salute you all.
Mike Blumenthal Commander