Commander's Notes
At last Monday's meeting nominations were held for next year's Post officers and House Committee members. Nominated for Cdr. were Chris Birch and Beau Lescarbeau; Sr. Vice was Beau Lescarbeau; Jr. Vice was Anna Tarsia; QM was Josh David and Tom Vorisek for 3 Year Trustee. There was no nomination for Chaplain, and the incoming commander will appoint a Surgeon, Judge Advocate and Officer of the Day. House Committee nominations were Rick Lane and Rodney Lloyd for 3 years; Jeff Carter for 2 years and Beau Lescarbeau for 1 year. Nominations will remain open until election next month.
The Post voted in a new member, Annie Lansing, a U.S. Army Afghanistan veteran. Welcome Annie !
Our membership stands at 92.6 % and if you are an annual member who has not renewed, please do so sooner rather than later. We are still going to need about 6 new members to make 100 %.
The VFW has the lead this year for the Memorial Day Ceremony in Rose Hill Park and I am looking for a Guest speaker for the event. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Also, remember that we will be placing flags on the graves of our veterans in Green Hill Cemetery on Saturday, May 25th.
During the meeting, the Post donated $1000 to help a VFW Post 2447 member who is in Michigan for cancer treatment and donated $100 to sponsor a hole in the John Enders Charity Golf Tournament. A motion to donate $5000 to the Clarke County Ruritan Club to assist with their efforts to rebuild the beef barn was tabled until next month's meeting.
The Clarke County Litter Committee has invited us to participate in their second annual participation of Earth Day. The event will take place at the Clarke County Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. After meeting at 9:00 a.m., participants will disperse to pick up litter and return to the fairgrounds by noon for refreshments, pizza and a glass crushing demonstration. Participating organizations have been invited to set up tables to provide information and membership opportunities. I will be registering the VFW as a participating organization, so mark the day on your calendar and let's show the community that we do more than sit around the bar and tell war stories.
On Sunday, March 17th, St. Patrick's Day, Beau and Rick will be fixing corn beef and cabbage, dinner will start at 4:00 p.m..
I hope to see many of you at the Post throughout the month and at our next monthly meeting on April 1 at 7:00 p.m.
Chris Birch
Post Commander
Christopher Birch, PSC
Commander, VFW Post 9760
Berryville, Va 22611