Members present donations at Clarke County High School.
The post is currently searching for a canteen manager to replace the retiring, Ronnie Jenkins.
Problem with the lack of funding for the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Program in the budget approved last week.
Problem with the lack of funding for the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Program in the budget approved last week.
The post is currently in search of a part-time bartender.
New charitable gaming laws and regulations effective retroactively to July 2022 are detrimental to Veterans' and create significant budget challenges.
Law Enforcement Officer and Teacher of the Year and Voice of Democracy awards presented.
Open House for all veterans, Vietnam and Vietnam Era veterans.
Post 9760 will celebrate it's 75th Anniversary Saturday, April 1, 2023 from 3:00 to 6:00 PM.
Annual Commanders Club Luncheon held on Friday, June 2, 2023, from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm.
Clarke County Memorial Post 9760 VFW is hiring a canteen manager.
Canteen Manager Mike Linster is hanging up his management hat.
Toys for Tots Drive and Commanders' football game - Great Day!
It was a busy week for our Post
Congratulating Larry Hardesty on being the Clarke County Veteran of the Year.
2022-2023 VFW 9760 Elections
Post 9760 presented the 2021 Clarke County Law Enforcement Officer of the Year award to Chief Deputy Sheriff Travis Sumption.
Western Prince William County Post 12218 will be conducting their first Change of Command Ceremony on June 8th, 1000 at Great Mane Brewery in Haymarket, VA. Come on out and support one of Virginia's newest Posts.
The United State of America Vietnam War Commemoration is holding a Welcome Home event at the National Mall in Washington DC on May 11th to 13th 2023.
The VFW Department of Virginia is turning 100 this year and we are celebrating across the state with our members. Come join us at one of seven locations with food, fun, music and giveaways.
The state of Virginia is changing the gaming laws and regulations in ways that may seriously impact VFW Posts. Your input is needed!
Nearly $6,000 for community service and Post home improvements all funded by Powerhouse Gaming.